MERJ Newsletter 7/15/23
Abortion-rights protesters participate in a candlelight vigil for reproductive freedom and abortion rights outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington on June 26, 2022. (Gemunu Amarasinghe / AP) Original source
Amazing Organization to Support — by moving money, we can make an immediate difference!
AidAccess — a committed team of doctors, activists, and advocates for abortion rights who provide abortion pills by mail in the United States! (They are also tightly connected to the excellent organizations Women on Web and Women on Waves.)
Check out this Guardian interview with AidAccess founder and inspiring humanitarian and activist Dr. Rebecca Gomperts!
📖 5-Minute Power Read:
“‘Still in flux.’ Abortion’s uncertain future a year after Roe was overturned”
Los Angeles Times, published June 22, 2023, written by Jenny Jarvie
🔉 Now Hear This:
“Science Vs.” podcast, “Abortion: The Science and the Supreme Court,” originally released 06/30/2022 (41 minutes)
🎞️ Now Watch This:
The Attack on Abortion Rights is Going Global | Sian Norris | TMR
(20:58) Journalist Emma Vigeland speaks to journalist Sian Norris to discuss her recent book Bodies Under Siege: How the Far-Right Attack on Reproductive Rights Went Global. Sian Norris then joins as she dives right into the foreign exchange of discrimination that occurs across the West, both between issues – such as anti-LGBTQ discourse advancing anti-abortion issues – and countries, with the US importing the UK’s TERFdom while exporting the vehement hatred for reproductive rights. Expanding on this, Norris parses through the role of social media in bolstering this global exchange of discrimination, bringing domestic narratives and lies to every inch of the globe, and creating a network of discrimination that serve to reinforce the quintessential European and US ideology of white male supremacy. Wrapping up, Emma and Sian assess the state of discrimination in both the US and Europe, and the role of austerity and financial crisis in bolstering this hatred.
Help and Resources to Share with Anyone Needing an Abortion: (from
Find a local clinic by using the National Abortion Federation map.
If you have questions about your legal rights and self-managed abortion, the Repro Legal Helpline is a free, confidential source for legal advice and information. Visit or call 844-868-2812.
If you are under 18 and need information about your rights to an abortion, you can message or call our Repro Legal Helpline at 844-868-2812. You can also read more about your rights on our Judicial Bypass Wiki.
If you have been arrested, contacted by the police, or fear you may be arrested for a self-managed abortion, our Repro Legal Helpline can provide immediate legal advice and support, and our Repro Legal Defense Fund can help with bail and legal fees. You can call our Repro Legal Helpline at 844-868-2812, and for help with bail and other fees, visit