Special MERJ Newsletter 1/23/2023
Today is the fiftieth anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
We’d like to amplify the following writing on this important occasion:
Some powerful quotes from an article by Christine Fernando in USA Today (1/19/23):
“Reproductive freedom has always been bigger than Roe … Now we need to dream bigger.” — Rachel O'Leary Carmona, executive director of the Women’s March, organizer of the nationwide march in support of abortion access, dubbed "Bigger Than Roe”
“It's infuriating that Roe did not make it to its 50th anniversary, that we didn't get that chance to celebrate in the way we have in years past … but we will be commemorating it regardless as a sign of our plan to keep marching forward and fighting for what was taken away.” — Danika Severino Wynn, a midwife and vice president of abortion access at Planned Parenthood
“Roe v. Wade in and of itself was really the floor to begin with and not the ceiling. And as that monumental decision has been eroded, leaving so many people without access, it's an opportunity for us to reimagine the future.” — Alison Dreith, director of strategic partnerships at the abortion fund Midwest Access Coalition
"This anniversary has always been a time of honoring the long battles of generations before us. … Now, it's a focus on the work ahead. As we settle into this new reality, we do so knowing this is a long fight. And we have hope we can not only restore abortion rights but create a world where there's more access than there ever was under Roe." — Melissa Fowler, chief program officer at the National Abortion Federation, the professional association of abortion providers
[This anniversary is an opportunity to] “start … dreaming up the legacy of the next 50 years and beyond. … We have an opportunity now to build a future that serves and centers BIPOC people and all of those historically forced to the margins. — ," Monica Simpson, executive director of SisterSong, a multiracial reproductive justice organization that helped organize a 50th Anniversary Summit in Atlanta
Image from ERA Coalition Blog
Mark your calendars for a special MERJ event!
“The Business of Birth Control”:
A Conversation with the Filmmakers,
on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Roe v Wade
Sunday, March 12, 2:00-3:15 ET
Free of charge!
Inspiring Photo:
MERJ co-founder George Marx at a 50th Anniversary Protest in California, 1/21/2023
Amazing Organization to Support — by moving money, we can make an immediate difference!
“SisterSong is a Southern based, national membership organization; our purpose is to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities. SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective was formed in 1997 by 16 organizations of women of color from four mini-communities (Native American, African American, Latina, and Asian American) who recognized that we have the right and responsibility to represent ourselves and our communities, and the equally compelling need to advance the perspectives and needs of women of color.” (All text from the organization’s website)
“Roe 50 Years Ago Today: Join Us Please”
by MERJ co-founder George Marx
I was an immature senior at the University of Wisconsin when the Roe v. Wade Decision “changed everything” for a lot of women and girls. It wasn’t that long after unmarried women had no right in many states to get birth control methods, and not that long after the birth control pill was first developed.
During the mid-1960’s, Black Power Advocates told us white people that it was time for us to do the important work - to make racism “history”. We didn’t do the work - and today Racism is a HUGE problem, sometimes worse than it was 50+ years ago!
Roe wasn’t important to many of us men then, though it should have been. We weren’t realizing deeply how the times were changing, so that we were no longer as overwhelmingly the “rulers” as we used to be. So many took Roe for granted, while the reactionary forces began building core strength - from the bottom up, in many cases. It wasn’t until some years later that Abortion became a “serious issue” for more than “devout” Catholics.
We, the men, need to grow up! We need to learn from history! We need to learn from the present!
I was aghast at my Black, conservative, Chicago neighbor, who emphatically - upon seeing my “Support Safe & Legal Abortion” t-shirt - told me that “Killing Babies” was 100% (“God is THE Authority”) Wrong. But while his perspective is horrible, he is not really “the problem”.
So, so many white men want to Control Women and Trans People and Girls, as well as those of us who may also be white and male, but don’t wield real power.
We, the men, need to wake up!
What can you do?
First, you can look at a wide range of possibilities, IF you take the issues seriously! Protesting with, and in support of, “the others” - for example, Black Women is one simple example (for most of us). The key part of all this is working on our resistance to action, which keeps us generally passive.
“I’d like to, but…” — isn’t good enough. “I’d like to, and…” — starts to open up the possibilities.
I have a Fetish that I’m proud of! I’m “addicted” to wearing a variety of t-shirts that support Abortion. Hey, you can “live” off of the compliments that young and old women will give you!
You can become an “addict” of responding to local, state, and national politicians - becoming a real “pain” to their automatic responses - as well as a telephone-carrying “attacker” against oppression!
You can find wonderful causes like: Sister Song and the Midwest Access Coalition, and donate whatever you can afford to them.
You can talk with other men - both in your life, and ones you meet - and ally with those who may also join us, and not waste time yelling at the others.
We have hearts! Let’s listen to them!
I’m moving towards my 72nd birthday! Most of you are quite a bit younger! A lot of women in your lives will appreciate you stepping up!
You can even join us - here at MERJ - and start being a help in our work or even a core leader with my allies and me! It’s up to you! I know you are with me!
Help and Resources to Share with Anyone Needing an Abortion: (from ifwhenhow.org)
If you have questions about your legal rights and self-managed abortion, the Repro Legal Helpline is a free, confidential source for legal advice and information. Visit ReproLegalHelpline.org or call 844-868-2812.
If you are under 18 and need information about your rights to an abortion, you can message or call our Repro Legal Helpline at 844-868-2812. You can also read more about your rights on our Judicial Bypass Wiki.
If you have been arrested, contacted by the police, or fear you may be arrested for a self-managed abortion, our Repro Legal Helpline can provide immediate legal advice and support, and our Repro Legal Defense Fund can help with bail and legal fees. You can call our Repro Legal Helpline at 844-868-2812, and for help with bail and other fees, visit ReproLegalDefenseFund.org.